Verizon Wireless could pay out up to $90 million in refunds to cell phone customers who were improperly charged for inadvertent Web access or data usage over the past several years.
The FCC had asked Verizon Wireless last year about $1.99-a-megabyte data access fees that appeared on the bills of customers who didn't have data plans but who accidentally initiated data or Web access by pressing a button on their phones.
In a statement on its website Sunday, Verizon Wireless said most of the 15 million customers affected will receive credits of $2 to $6 on their October or November bills. Some will receive larger sums. Customers no longer with the New York-based carrier will get refund checks.
Sonntag, 3. Oktober 2010
Freitag, 1. Oktober 2010
Hero or Villain? Chicago Grandmother Margaret Matthews Shoots Troublesome 12-Year-Old Boy
Is the gun-wielding widow who wounded a menacing 12-year-old boy a hero or a dangerous granny with a gun who over-reacted? That's the debate stirred by the actions of an elderly woman on Chicago's South Side this week.
On Tuesday, Margaret Matthews, 68, decided she'd had enough of two young boys, ages 12 and 13, who she said had been harassing her in her South Shore home for more than a year. When she returned to her home near 76th St. and Coles Ave. from grocery shopping that day, she noticed broken windows and the two boys running away.
When they returned, the widowed grandmother stood on her porch and confronted them. Allegedly, they replied by hurling bricks and rocks at her. She said one hit her in the chest.
On Tuesday, Margaret Matthews, 68, decided she'd had enough of two young boys, ages 12 and 13, who she said had been harassing her in her South Shore home for more than a year. When she returned to her home near 76th St. and Coles Ave. from grocery shopping that day, she noticed broken windows and the two boys running away.
When they returned, the widowed grandmother stood on her porch and confronted them. Allegedly, they replied by hurling bricks and rocks at her. She said one hit her in the chest.
Porno-Abmahnwelle nun auch in den USA?
In den USA scheint die Jagd nach Urheberrechtsverletzern in Tauschbörsen auf immer größeres Interesse zu stoßen. Allein in der vergangenen Woche wurden Auskunftsersuchen für über 6.000 IP-Adressen eingereicht.
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